Measure of Profitability

A Study In Percentages

“This short story highlights the problems inherent in using accounting’s traditional percentage measures when determining the value a product, program or customer brings to a business. Written in the style of the classic Sherlock Holmes novels, Dr. Watson, aka Doug Hicks, brings to life a very important message in this Read more…

The Navigator and The Accountant

PCS Consulting alliance partner Doug Hicks makes the case for better understanding and implementation of costing systems by examining the roll and impact of managerial accountants.  This brief article exposes the dangers of basing decisions on inaccurate data from systems not designed to reflect true organizational behavior.        Read more…

PCS Updates Software Intelligence

PCS Consulting updates Software Intelligence knowledge-base of the top Profitability & Cost Management software solutions and vendors available. Through continuous review and hands-on experience implementing these solutions, PCS Consulting maintains industry leading intelligence on each solution.                              Read more…