PCS Consulting has been successfully implementing the SAP Profitability & Cost Management solution since 2005. We are among the most experienced and respected implementation consulting firms across the globe. We now assist SAP customers to implement Profitability and Performance Management (PaPM) native HANA solution. Our focus is using PaPM for Costing and Profitability Management.
Model Customer, Product / Service and Channel Cost and Profitability to the Transaction Level.
SAP Profitability and Performance Management (PaPM) provides business users the power to access and aggregate data from multiple sources, and perform complex cost and profitability calculations on high volumes of data at low levels of granularity in lightning speed. Built on the SAP HANA platform, PaPM leverages the native power of SAP HANA in-memory database engine that can process complex calculations on extremely large volumes of data previously considered impractical. The data sources can be from SAP and non-SAP, in the cloud or on-premise data. The HANA platform can be deployed on-premise, the cloud, or a hybrid (on-premise, cloud, third-party) approach.
Major PaPM Components

Business Data Aggregator
Business Data Aggregator gives users the ability to configure models with real-time access to aggregate data from a variety of systems and databases at high speed with little or no need for data replication.
Calculation Engine
The Calculation Engine provides business users tools to build cost and profitability models by configuring and combining a variety of calculation functions. A range of allocation parameters are provided to build the required cost allocation calculations. Complex allocations and calculations can be performed to the lowest levels of granularity with high volumes of data with the high-speed in-memory performance of HANA.
Simulation Application
The Simulation Application provides fast what-if simulation scenarios for business users and the management of assumptions to gain insights into managing the costs and profitability of the organization.
PCS Consulting has specializes in the design and implementation of Profitability and Cost Management systems using off-the shelf software to provide decision makers with valid economic modeling decision support systems that help them make economically sound decisions to achieve their profitability objectives. We have over 15 years experience assisting the SAP Profitability solutions, including early combined use of HANA with PCM.
Contact Us to learn more.